Celebrating the First CLX + Paragon Performance Evolution Executive Leadership Program Cohort
In January, we wrapped up the final learning session of the first-ever Chicago Learning Exchange (CLX) + Paragon Performance Evolution…
In January, we wrapped up the final learning session of the first-ever Chicago Learning Exchange (CLX) + Paragon Performance Evolution…
(Chicago, Illinois) September 20, 2024 — On September 17 at Second City, Jamila Woods, Chicago-native singer-song writer, shared with a…
The Chicago Learning Exchange (CLX) is pleased to present the 5th annual Brother Mike Awards honoring Chicago youth mentorship…
The end of 2023:We are grateful to have been together with the CLX Community so frequently IN PERSON in 202…
Beloved CLX Community, These last few weeks have been heartbreaking. It’s been horrifying to bear witness to the images and…
CLX November 16 Meetup engaged OST youth service providers in thinking about the challenges of recruitment. After the discussion…
On September 19, 2023 at Second City, the Chicago Learning Exchange (CLX) hosted the 2023 Brother Mike Awards–a night dedicated…
Join CLX in the debut of our premier OST Pass! Unlock free admission to Chicago’s iconic museums, access to capacity-building platforms like Catchafire, and a rare opportunity to camp at Glenhagen Farms!
Grab a few pennies and nickels from the jar and saltwater from the kitchen. You now have the necessary ingredients to create a battery in a pinch. Will it be enough to power light in an emergency? You might need to start saving up now. This summer CLX’s Illuminating Energy Pathways programs served 10 Chicago students through two summer Learn and Earn programs focused on building energy career exposure for Black and LatinX youth. The programs offered students two curriculum tracks to choose from. The first was Empowering Opportunities, a program focused on preparing students for overhead linework (SOC: 49-9051). Although for this career pathway, a direct path to Dawson Technical Institute exists, many students aren’t aware or have barriers to entry. With support from the Illinois Science & Energy Innovation Foundation (ISEIF), CLX’s program provides a bridge to increase exposure and break down barriers for Chicago youth and the institutions that serve them.
For the past year, the education landscape has been wholly centered around technology and virtual learning. While some are realizing…
What happens when you have a room full of outstanding out-of-school time mentors? Something energetic and influential happens when advocates…
Although there have been enormous challenges in learning due to COVID-19, the often untold story is all that is good…
Thank you for attending our June Meetup with special guest Sybil M. Madison, Ph.D., Deputy Mayor for Education and Human Services! The importance of connection is more evident than ever. Check out this article for a recap of our June Virtual Meetup.
To look back on the rich history of Hive Chicago, which evolved into the Chicago Learning Exchange, we called upon Sam Dyson, who has been a leader in reimagining learning over the past decade in Chicago and beyond.
Collaboration, connection, and community. These are the hallmarks of the new Master of Arts (MA) degree in Civic Media at Columbia College, in which graduate students merge activism with media practice. Students are expected to design, implement, and assess project-based solutions that address real community needs.
Across the nation, people are in the streets marching and invoking their names, seizing this moment for change. Whether we are with them raising our voices in public or working for justice behind the scenes, we are really fighting for more equitable opportunities and for the dignity of Black lives.
Studies have shown declining trust in the ability of government institutions and elected officials to address issues, especially among youth. However, this does not mean that young people are civically disengaged. Instead, young people are utilizing digital media and technology tools to create a broader definition of civics than the commonly held perspective that civic engagement is confined primarily to electoral politics.
The virtual check-ins are a reminder of the strength and dedication of the CLX community. When faced with obstacles, our community members come together and find solutions, and use the moment to spur creativity, innovation, and collaboration.
CLX’s mission is to inspire and support innovation that equips digital-age learners and leaders to close Chicago’s opportunity gap. This has been our guiding light from the very beginning, and it will continue to guide us during this time. We are all committed to providing experiences, opportunities, and pathways for Chicago’s youth, now more than ever. Together, we can ensure we stay true to this mission.
Due to COVID-19, it is in everyone's best interest that we postpone Remake Learning Days CHI (RLD CHI). A letter…
CLX is thrilled to announce that RLD CHI is returning for its second year from May 14-17, 2020. With engaging and innovative learning opportunities accessible to those that need it the most in Chicago’s communities in the South and West sides, RLD CHI 2020 hopes to continue its goal of helping close the socioeconomic learning gap.
The Chicago Learning Exchange (CLX) is excited to announce that it will lead efforts in Chicago to convene and advance equity in computer science through CSforCHI, a new project that will continue to nurture and connect the computer science learning ecosystem.
In 2017 and 2018, the Chicago Learning Exchange (CLX), previously known as the Hive Fund for Connected Learning, made two seed investments in its longtime network member, Project Exploration who had identified a major problem. In the Austin neighborhood, there were a plethora of opportunities to participate in sports, but very few opportunities for youth to participate in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) programming.
Have you ever wondered what connected learning might look like in other cities, rural areas, or learning-friendly places and spaces…
As a New Sector Fellow, I spent this summer becoming more acclimated with the public sector and using my placement at CLX to increase their capacity to process data and effectively administer the LRNG platform in Chicago through a partnership with the City of Chicago’s One Summer Chicago (OSC) program, the second-largest youth employment program in the country.
Long-time CLX community member and educator Gina L. Grant has been named CLX's Director of Community. Gina is picking up the community leadership baton from Jia Lok Pratt, who has served as CLX’s Network Curator for the past 18 months, organizing convenings and professional development offerings, and helping the community through the transition from Hive Chicago to CLX.
One of the most rewarding parts of Chicago Learning Exchange’s (CLX) work is supporting innovative and engaging learning experiences as…
Last month from May 16 -19, 2019, the Chicago Learning Exchange (CLX) presented Remake Learning Days Chi (RLD Chi), Chicago’s first festival for the future of learning and work. CLX collaborated with founding partners WTTW Kids, Project Exploration, Chicago City of Learning, and EvanSTEM, and over 70 events hosts from Chicago to Evanston to make the vision a reality. Together, through Remake Learning Days Chi, we turned Chicago neighborhoods, particularly on the South and West sides, into a learning laboratory.
With support from the Illinois Science and Energy Innovation Foundation, the Chicago Learning Exchange is leading Energizing Opportunities, an innovative project to illuminate learning pathways to careers in the electrical utilities industry for high school-age youth.
April Meetup at Columbia College's Conaway Center Rain or shine, the Chicago Learning Exchange invites you to connect, share, and…