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Illuminating Energy Pathways

In the twenty-first century, learning takes place almost everywhere, at all times, on all kinds of paths and at all kinds of paces.

Alliance for Excellent Education and the Mozilla Foundation

How do we recognize learning anytime, anywhere it happens and connect it to real-world opportunities?

How do we move beyond school transcripts as the only marker of achievement, in order to honor and celebrate the incredible skills and accomplishments of Chicago’s learners?

How do we support our educators, both in school and out, with the tools to create and connect learning pathways for young people?

These questions drive CLX to explore, test, and support the use of technology to stitch learning experiences into pathways that open up real-world opportunities for all learners. We are strong believers in digital badging--digital credentials that represent skills, achievements, and knowledge learners acquire in programs and activities both in and outside the classroom. When a learner earns a badge, it should unlock additional learning opportunities or pathways, thereby making the badge immediately relevant.

To support our vision of a connected community where all learning counts, CLX has integrated MyCHI. MyFuture., a customizable national digital badging and digital learning platform, into our work and we support and advocate for a broad array of other digital learning and badging platforms that exist.

Want to learn more? Contact Jorge Garcia, Program Manager at